Simmer 9.6 race (ok to race in the class)

Simmer 9.6 race (ok to race in the class) Simmer 9.6 race (ok to race in the class) Simmer 9.6 race (ok to race in the class) Simmer 9.6 race (ok to race in the class) Simmer 9.6 race (ok to race in the class) Simmer 9.6 race (ok to race in the class) Simmer 9.6 race (ok to race in the class) Simmer 9.6 race (ok to race in the class) Simmer 9.6 race (ok to race in the class) Simmer 9.6 race (ok to race in the class)
Zustand: Gut
Segel Model/Marke: Other
Größe (m2): 9.5m2
Telefonnummer: +3376412312

Simmer Sail,
Very correct, no problem.
Good for high wind, easy and fast to race , very stable profile.
Possible carbon mast (+50€)
Very cheap price



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