Starboard Phantom 377 regular) Grey light version

Starboard Phantom 377 regular) Grey light version Starboard Phantom 377 regular) Grey light version Starboard Phantom 377 regular) Grey light version Starboard Phantom 377 regular) Grey light version Starboard Phantom 377 regular) Grey light version Starboard Phantom 377 regular) Grey light version
Zustand: Gut
Kaution €: 250
Board Model: Phantom (bis 2022)
Finnen Typ: Original
Finnen Größe: <52cm
Schwert: Original
Mastfuß: North Pin
Telefonnummer: +491713756073

For rent -> RESERVED for AUS-495 (Allan Jamal)

This Starboard Phantom 377 is one of the first grey versions with Batwings which are very stiff and light.

It was used 2 years by one of my team mates and is now only a reserve board. It is in good but used conditions and comes with the original fin and daggerboard.



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