Starboard Phantom L Dark Blue (297 liters)

Starboard Phantom L Dark Blue (297 liters)
Zustand: Gebraucht
Kaution €: 250
Board Model: Phantom L (bis 2018)
Finnen Typ: Original
Finnen Größe: <52cm
Schwert: Original
Mastfuß: North Pin
Telefonnummer: +491713756073

This board is kindly offered for rent by Bernd Weber (the husband Petra who is of the club president of the hosting club).

I am just handling the publication on the rent and buy platform and the initial communication. The rental agreement will have to be done directly with the owner Bernd later on.
The board comes with original daggerboard and fin and is in good conditions. It is stored and available at the event place.



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