Raceboard World Championship 2023 (12.-17.06.2023)
Information Brokerage Platform – How to use it
The new platform offers two basic options. On the one hand, participants who are looking for material can post their request here, regardless of whether it is a request to buy or to rent, and on the other hand, suppliers can offer their material for rent or sale on the platform. These suppliers can either be private individuals and clubs or surf shops and importers or even manufacturers directly. Both types of entries can be created via “Add Listing” and are then activated after a short review by the administrators of the platform.
The platform supports searches for boards, individual components, or a complete rig. Please note that the platform can be used from now on, but those who will offer material must first be informed about it and then gradually offer their material. If you are looking for material for the World Championships, you should do two things. Firstly, post your request here now so that we, or the suppliers, know what you are looking for, and secondly, actively check the platform every 1-2 weeks to see what material has been added for rent. We assume that the first offers will be posted in the next few weeks so that you can rent material as soon as possible. If you then also register right away and reserve your accommodation, we can plan the event, including the parties, all the better.
If there are any language problems between the supplier and the interested party, I (Lars) will try to mediate as far as I can.
The “dating” platform will be created and provided by the German Class Association within the framework of the World Championships. However, the Class Association is not involved in the matchmaking process; this is done on a private basis between the parties involved.
Basically, the following use cases were intended for the platform.
1a. Manufacturer X offers new or used material at the usual rental price for participants with a long journey. He can publish his offer on the platform.
1b. Manufacturer X is looking for buyers for the rental material AFTER the World Championships. He can publish the available material including the conditions.
2a. Private person X can lend his material for the world championship and publish his offer on the platform.
2b. Private person X can sell his material to a World Championship participant in time for the start of the event.
3. In the search section a participant who does not have the opportunity to bring his/her own material on the plane is looking for material to rent. He/she can either specify exactly which brand/model etc. is being sought or specify preferences or only make general restrictions.
More languages are available here.